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The Hidden Gifts of Cooking at Home...

Updated: Aug 5, 2024

Cooking at home has so many benefits for both you and those around you.

"Cooking is one of the great gifts you can give to those you love." - Ina Garten

I remember, as a child, the times when I would arrive home from school starving. I would open the front door to smell the wonderful aroma of my mum's cooking! She was cooking dinner for the whole family, but would quickly prepare a small plate for me to eat. Not only was it delicious, but these were some of the best moments we spent together.

When I had children of my own, I wanted them to experience the same joy of eating home-cooked meals, and to build the bond that I share with my mum today. It has happened through this simple activity of cooking at home, something that can't be replaced by pre-packaged meals or take-aways!

Cooking at home is an activity that can be a family affair. Having everyone take part in the meal preparation helps everyone appreciate the results as they all contributed to it. It also takes less time as there are more hands!

Now, that's not to say you don't eat out once in a while. Eating out can be fun too, especially on special occasions or if one is too tired to cook. But there are plenty of reasons to cook at home! Here are just a few:

  1. You can save time and money by cooking at home . Make some extra portions and freeze them for future "home-cooked" meals;

  2. Home-cooked meals have less salt, fat and sugar than restaurant food, so it's healthier for you;

  3. You can control your portion sizes and not feel compelled to eat everything served on the plate in front of you, so it becomes easier to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight;

  4. You know what ingredients are being used in your meals, so you can substitute healthier ingredients;

  5. Being able to cook is a skill you can be proud of and entertaining your friends & family allows you to show off your skills;

  6. Cooking can be a group activity, allowing you to spend quality time together with your family and even your guests;

  7. Cooking allows you to be closer to nature when handling fresh vegetables. It might even inspire you to start growing your own ingredients!

  8. When you cook your own food, it allows you to think about where the food is coming from and the quality of the ingredients being used: the fresher the ingredients, the more nutritious it is;

  9. Cooking can be a stress-relief, so make it fun!

Get inspired by watching my videos or by opening some of those recipe books collecting dust on the shelf. What will you cook tonight?

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