Learn More About Me and My Cooking!
Question Time
Do you have a question for me about cooking and my experiences? Are you having trouble with cooking? Ask me a question and I'll try to answer it below in a fair and honest video!
"How Did You Learn to Cook?"
Find out how I learned to cook! No-one is born with this knowledge! We all have to start somewhere!
"What Motivates You to Cook?"
There are definitely some things that motivate me to cook and some things that completely put me off cooking! Find out what these are!
"Do You Grind Your Own Spices?"
There are some spices that are easy to grind at home and some you should just buy. Find out which ones I make myself!
"Why Did You Start Your YouTube Channel?"
I never thought I'd be a YouTuber but something interesting drove me to do it! Find out what!
"How do I Decide What to Cook Everyday?"
I'm sure EVERYONE has this dilemma...."what are we going to eat today?" It's a never-ending question and can become frustrating if you don't have a few systems in place. Learn the tools I use to decide what to make everyday...maybe you can get a few tips and make your life easier too!
"What Cuisine Do I Like To Cook The Most?"
I do have a favourite cuisine that I like to cook (believe it or not!!) It's my go-to cuisine if I'm ever stuck on what to make because it just comes naturally to me. Find our more in this video!
"What Was The Worst Thing You Ever Cooked?"
I'm not perfect and I've had a real journey learning to cook!!
I have made some mistakes and this one is one of my biggest learning experiences! Watch this video to learn more!
Question 8 is coming soon!!
Stay tuned and subscribe to my website!