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Homemade Yoghurt Recipe | Easy Fool-Proof Recipe for the BEST HOMEMADE YOGURT | Make Yoghurt at Home

Updated: Dec 9, 2024

I've tried to make yoghurt at home a few times, but I ended up with a slimy mess! Sound familiar? Then keep reading!

My mother-in-law ALWAYS makes her yoghurt at home. She says that my father-in-law doesn't like the store-bought yoghurt as much, so she makes it at home instead. I never understood this until I started to make it myself.

My mother-in-law showed me this easy way to make yoghurt and, let me tell you, it turns out amazing!! You have to try it! You don't need any special equipment either! And this yoghurt tastes really good too! It's so nice and creamy with a slight sourness to it. ENJOY!

Homemade Yoghurt Recipe Cooking Time: 20 Minutes (Approx)

Cooling & Incubating: 1 1/2 - 2 days


  • 2 Pints or about 1Llitre Whole Milk (Full Fat)

  • 250ml Plain Yoghurt


Heat up 1 Litre Whole Milk in a saucepan until it comes to a boil. You need to bring it to atlas 180ºF or 83ºC. Stir occasionally so a skin doesn't form.

Note: I use whole milk for a creamier yoghurt, but semi-skimmed milk works as well.

Once it comes to a boil, turn off the heat and let it cool. You can use a cold water bath to help cool it down faster. The milk needs to cool to a luke warm temperature or a temperature of 110º-115ºF or 43ºC.

Note: Adding the yoghurt culture while the milk is too warm will lead to it becoming slimy, so make sure it is cooled down properly!

While the milk cools, prepare the incubation equipment. For this, you'll need a large saucepan with a lid, a smaller container with a lid that fits into the saucepan, and some boiling water.

Once the milk has cooled completely, add the yoghurt culture you are using and make sure you break up the lumps, but don't over-mix...and definitely DON'T use a blender! This changes the chemical reaction in the milk.

Note: Make sure you use plain yoghurt culture with active cultures. You can use Greek yoghurt as well.

Note: Taste the yoghurt culture you are using to make sure it has the sourness you like as this imparts into your home-made yoghurt.

Once you've mixed the yoghurt and milk together, pour it into the container. Cover the container loosely and place it into the saucepan. Pour boiling water into the saucepan to surround the yoghurt container. Make sure the water level is up to the level of the mixture, but that it doesn't go into the container.

Cover the saucepan and place it in the oven for between 18-24. Do NOT turn the oven on. You just want a warm place for the yoghurt to incubate undisturbed.

The following day, check that your yoghurt has set. Then put it in the fridge to chill. This completes the setting process, so make sure you chill it before using it.

Your yoghurt is ready to enjoy! I like to use this in all my recipes and to make lassi, which is a yoghurt drink made simply with yoghurt, salt, roasted & ground cumin and water.


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